Hi, I'm Allan.

I'm a programmer and student, currently living in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

Get in contact with me through email:

I'm an Undergraduate Student at the University of Maryland University College, set to graduate in 2019.

Originally, I wanted to go into teaching, so a lot of my previous experience has been in education, from Teaching Assistant and Tutor to holding coding classes for kids.

In general, my main focus has been on Java and C++, which makes up most of my programming experience.

However, I am also working on Front End development (HTML, CSS, Javascript) as well as some Machine Learning (Python).

For more projects:

Reminder Application

Fully functional, though simple, reminder application that allows one to register an account and set automated e-mail reminders.

Front end created with Angular, and back-end server/API using Node.js/Express. Database with PostgreSQL.

Library Database

A Library Database clone, utilizing an online connection to a SQL database to load a simulated collection of books, with the ability to loan out/rent and return them, alongside other features.

Sea Port Simulator

Utilizing loaded data specifications, creates a simulation of a working port database. Concurrent ships are loaded into available docks, workers are dynamically allocated, and automatic job progress shown visually.

Recursive Descent GUI Parser

A simple recursive descent parser that utilizes a given grammar to automatically create GUIs in JavaFX.